Sunday, February 10, 2008

Teething Rears Its Ugly Head

This week Sydney has been teething something awful. She has two bottom teeth that are just starting to peek out over the gums. I've used every natural teething remedy I could think of to try and help her through this very trying time. Unfortunately, chamomile, belladonna and pulsatilla have not worked. What's a mom to do? I heard about amber teething necklaces and decided to give it a shot. Amber which is actually made for wearing, not chewing and is a resin, not a stone. The warmth next to the baby's skin releases healing oils which are absorbed into the bloodstream. The oil contains succinic acid which is recognized as a natural analgesic (pain reliever). I figured if it doesn't work, she'll at least have a pretty necklace. Well I got it in the mail yesterday but I think it will take some time to be work it's way into Sydney's system. So I will have to report back on that. In the meantime, one other remedy that I found is gumomile, which is a blend of chamomile and clove essential oils. Clove oil is still used today by some dentist as a natural anesthetic. It does seem to be working. Thank goodness!
Okay, well I never could see myself doing this but I've recently had a change of heart about blogging and thought I'd give it a shot. I haven't a clue yet as to what I will write about aside from day to day events, however a word of warning, I will use this blog as my personal soap box. Why? Because it's my blog and I can. So here goes...